“Leave no stone left unturned,” AND see every stone upside down!
“Leave no stone left unturned,” AND see every stone upside down!
Our shared capacity for excess astounds me. Actually, if I’m being honest, at times it downright terrifies me. It scares the shit out of me.
However, it is valuable. Dare I say it, it is even a gift. It has a place in existence, a purpose even, at the very least. It may just be that we need to understand it, lest we become lost…
Unable to discern which way is up, if you will.
To paraphrase a dear friend,
“…there is no human opinion which is absolutely right… no government edict which is absolutely correct… no religious doctrine which can be made absolutist, even if it’s an accurate description of reality… no scientific achievement that in and of itself can warrant absolutism…
“That’s it, and for every absolute point of view, there will be another. The economy of the different viewpoints, when in its correct order, will be naturally balanced and generally progenitive, and it will include the relatively necessary diversity.
“When they are not in their natural order, they will still be ‘in order’, but they will produce destruction, most likely for the sake of rebalancing the norm.
“I can’t figure this out fully. I don’t know who I am fully, because I can’t. It’s beyond me to know everything that I am.
“Therefore, the only proper way to lead here is with a fierceness and a clarity based in humility.”