
January 14, 2022

“Pressure, tension and life go hand-in-hand, at the very least due gravity…”

And, life is dependent upon gravity, at least in part, which is to say life is dependent upon pressure and tension. Trying to get rid of tension and pressure entirely just doesn’t make any sense.

This comes up a lot in purely mechanical contexts, but it’s truly a ubiquitous concept with regard to any situation or relationship.

For example? Self and self. Self and other. Self and environment. Self and larger community. And even the “birds eye view” we sometimes have with ourselves, with others, and/or with the environment, etc.

Why does this perhaps asinine or obvious point seem worth scribbling? Because it is “the obvious” which we are currently too good at ignoring, and—whether intentionally or unintentionally—avoiding.

Avoiding the need for pressure and/or tension will not solve anything, in any context. Avoiding, in fact, may simply exacerbate the symptoms, and probably cause them to spread.

Resting is critical, but avoiding is dangerous. No matter what, we eventually have to deal with “it”, whatever “it” is.

Fortunately, having an integrated relationship with pressure and tension is possible, and can become easier and easier. It can even (despite the tone here) be FUN!

One way or another, though, it’s necessary, if we want more life, for ourselves and for others.


Stay Open.


Cold Immersion.