What do you need?

“What do you need?”

Sometimes, I get stuck. Whether it’s a literal hitch in my getup, or the danger of ruminating on something, or a conflict in a relationship, it happens. And it’s going to happen.

This is perhaps the most consistently effective question I’ve found in any of these contexts: “What do YOU need?”

Yah, quite often, I’ll literally say out loud this to myself. It is a sincere question, and if I don’t have anyone around to reflect it off of, you betcha I just ask it straight up.

In addition to the obvious—aka, air, movement, hydration, grounding, stillness—there is one ☝️ answer which seems most consistent:


I love this planet, and being human, but if there is one thing we really could learn to ask for and to allow with more ease and grace and humility, it would be that... SUPPORT. Hands down.

How else can you connect, be empathetic, open your heart, SEE BEAUTY, if you don’t recognize then need for and allow for ABSOLUTE SUPPORT.

It’s not only tragic to deny this need, it’s also arrogant, and downright dangerous. If there’s any way to reestablish a sense of balance and equilibrium in your normal experience, this is it... embracing the support which literally allow for life.

It’s not just an nice concept, it’s necessary.

Anything else would be, to say the least, inauthentic...


Values require context


Real wellness is a simple model.