“Somatic Education, in a 🌰 shell…"
“Somatic Education, in a 🌰 shell…"
Relationships, Functionality and Possibilities:
“There is an implicit wholeness and connectivity on every scale.
Professionally, I focus on the scale of the body, where you can most easily see how everything is almost entirely interconnected and interdependent.
When it comes to movement, or, generally taking care of yourself, so to speak, this is probably why functionality is increasingly so attractive and so popular… and why we’re seeing an emergence of functional approaches… from fitness, so to speak, to medicine… moving with a sense of WHOLENESS and relating to yourself with a sense of wholeness literally reinforces the the reality that we are—our bodies are—inherently functional.
The key here is to think in terms of relationships… when we approach movement with a curiosity about seeing relationships, we cannot help but see how everything is actually linked… aka, not separate…
And I mean everything.
Yes, within the body, so to speak, there is a link between how we think and how we move… and how we breathe…
There is a link with how speak…
But there is also then a link with how we build a home, and how we design a town… and a society…
There is a link with how we interact with each other, and with the literal ground around us… whether or not we choose to clear it, to mow it… farm it… prune it… sculpt it, or sometimes just let it be…
or, even, pave it…
There’s a link with what we believe, to say least.
In other words, when we observe a space, for example, there’s a reason we clear the trees to excess, and that we make ourselves dependent upon cars and roads and systems which, in a way, do not support functionality… there is a reason we build walls the way we do, and hallways, and that we mostly do it with 90 degree angles
…and there’s a reason we ignore all of the subtle and not so subtle effects of these choices…
Such as, again, the effect on how we think…
As far as I can tell, no other animal does what we do, nor is it even capable of doing so to the scale which we are…