Maximize learning. Minimize concluding.

“Maximize learning. Minimize concluding.”

Honestly, what do you really KNOW for sure? Absolutely?

If you ask me, my list is extremely small.

But there is a list. I don’t believe we “know nothing.”

The concept of being a lifelong learner, though, requires a certain awareness of what is absolutely certain and a willingness to stay open to something new.

My question really is, to what extent are you intentionally living as a lifelong learner? Again, this does not mean that you have “no conclusions”, it just means you deliberately balance the need to understand enough AND be open to seeing more.

I’ve never met anyone who did not have more to learn, but I’ve met A LOT of people who seem to have confused themselves into thinking that the learning is supposed to stop... or, even worse, that they’ve/we’ve already figured it all out.



It’s a tricky balancing act, for sure, but such is life, right? You can’t move without a left and a right, a top and a bottom, gravity and an opposing force...

The understandable and the mysterious.

Consider this: NOT knowing may literally be a biological imperative. Human life, and maybe even LIFE ITSEF, may require what we call “mystery”. Life literally depends on it.

There is an implicit ingredient to existence which is “the unknowable”. Miraculously, this is how we have newness.

As such, can we at least agree to allow ourselves to learn more, generally speaking, and not be so jumpy with respect to conclusions?

In short, choosing to be a lifelong learner may be the a challenge, but it is probably the most important choice we are all needing to make.


Note to self.


You are Earth