Curious, to what extent do you think our evolution is dependent upon… 1) Context 2) Meaning and 3) Honesty?
“Curious, to what extent do you think our evolution is dependent upon… 1) Context 2) Meaning and 3) Honesty?”
What do you think?
First, yes, this question assumes we want to evolve, aka, grow/learn/mature/improve/etc.
This assumption is part of the context for this question.
What does CONTEXT mean in general, though?
Here’s a somewhat popular example to start with: the idea of “being a victim”.
In some circles, it is apparently fashionable to do one or some of the following: 1) Think you are a victim. 2) Think you or someone else shouldn’t be a victim. 3) Tell someone they aren’t really a victim.
The fact of the matter is, these 3 options are all possible. The truth depends on CONTEXT.
Sometimes, you actually CAN BE a victim of someone’s ignorance, or lack of consideration, or unwillingness/inability to take responsibility. It’s also possible that you have been ignorant in some way, lacked consideration, or been unwilling/unable to take responsibility.
Both are possible, and both happen. I personally have been in both situations, to be frank.
Regardless, the ability to discern what the truth is depends entirely upon how well we see the context of the situation.
In order to see clearly, we have to have address whether or not we are making something up.
Let’s look at wellness. The context for how many of us approach “health and wellness” is to see a problem and to relate it in one of 3 ways: 1) We try to fix it. 2) We try to ignore it. 3) We learn.
Again, all of these approaches are valid, and they all make sense. How you relate to the problem, however, is the key, and is dependent upon what kind of meaning you are either perceiving or projecting.
Specifically, consider a basic structural imbalance, like a “tight pelvis” or a “compressed lower back”. There is a context for how a human, a mammal, an altogether healthy organism, can be living with limitations in its skeletal system. The context is simply what it is, and, there is no implicit meaning to it. Nevertheless, we often make it mean something…
It doesn’t have to, and, the point is, the more we are HONEST with ourselves and others about what we are experiencing, whilst committing to understanding the CONTEXT for our experience, and being able to discern any potential MEANING we are perceiving or projecting, well… THAT’s HOW WE CAN TRULY LEARN!!!
More importantly, that’s probably how we can learn and ENJOY the learning.
Again, quite simply, in order to get really good at this, we need to be honest with ourselves, which is why a lot of the time “the work,” as it is often referred to, is about, first and foremost, SEEING WHAT IS. Again, context. See what it is, be aware of what it does or does not mean, and continue to be honest with yourself about what you see… over and over and over and over.
It’s not, however, circular. It’s a circuitous process but it has an inherent progression to it. Again, this is how we learn.
Context. Meaning. Honesty.
This, by the way, is relevant to the main context most of us are trying to untangle ourselves from: Millennia of self-victimizing with respect to “God”/“Nature”/“Human Nature”. The only way to truly shift this deeply rooted pathology is to recognize that we are capable of developing a new understanding of WHAT IS, and to continue to honestly and authentically go forward into the eternally mysterious and unknowable thing we call the future…
Thus far, this is where I’m at…