“Even if you COULD know everything , why would you want to?”

“Even if you COULD know everything , why would you want to?”

Absolute knowledge isn’t possible.

Even If it was, would you benefit from it?

Would it even be life-supporting and life-sustaining?

Wouldn’t it mean the end of mystery, the end of the unknowable?

There are three options, as I see it:

1) Allow for unknowable to be a critical ingredient to life, and continue to explore what we can know.

2) Jump to “having faith” in something, negating the value of the unknowable, because otherwise you can’t sleep at night otherwise.

3) Co-create a unifying and ever-evolving understanding of reality which isn’t dependent upon “god”, but also accepts the possibility of “god”.

What do you think?

No matter what, if you’re driven by absolutes, are there be any consequences to this drive?


Real wellness is a simple model.


No one creates their own reality.