In all honesty, what I think we are most yearning for as a species is to remember our innocence.

“In all honesty, what I think we are most yearning for as a species is to remember our innocence.

“Thus far, we just haven’t created a working context with which to understand innocence.”

And we can create it.

And, it is absolutely going to have to come with the body.

Bear with me…

Consider this: How many of our* foundational myths start out with an inherent condemnation of humanity? In other words, how many origin stories about our species begin with the basic idea that there is something wrong with us, that we are “separate” from something/someplace, that we are fundamentally flawed?

As I see it, most do.

Obviously there’s the garden of eden, there’s the Buddhist notion of “life as suffering”, there’s the common evolution and “survival of the fittest”.

There’s nearly every religious concepts . Human nature. Evolution.

Good lord, we even have a concept known as “human nature” which, for most people, functions as a literal safeguard for our supposed base or destructive or “demonic” tendencies, because, of course, if we don’t control ourselves or if we don’t have something “watching over us” we’re inevitably going to plummet into some sort of absolutely chaotic, dionysian, “communist”, nightmarish disaster scenario…

PHEWWWwww. What an exhausting

No wonder we think that we HAVE TO keep it all “under control”, or else…

Do you think this doesn’t effect our psyche? Our collective consciousness? Of course it does!

Of course, then, there’s a popular idea that “nature has no order”, and we need to just completely let everything flow.

Ugh. Yikes.

Unfortunately, this is just another extreme. It’s not helpful, and we can see this most clearly with, yes, THE BODY.

In short, this, by the way, is what we teach here at KORU, and I sincerely think it is a way to break free from any of these foundational excessive beliefs and stories.

*Implicit, of course, is my belief that “we” are all affected by the same stories


What would Aragorn do?


Note to self.